
Guimaras bounces back

Mention Guimaras and instantly what comes to mind is the sweet and delectable golden fruit that’s touted to be “the sweetest mango in the world.”

Slowly rising from the ashes of the devastating oil spill in August 11, 2006 the island of Guimaras is now spreading its wings and ready to reclaim the glory it once had. A mecca for the weary Ilonggos and foreigners alike, the island is more alive than ever with tourist flocking the island on weekends to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

A short 15-minute ride will take you to enchanting Guimaras in the town of Jordan which is the gateway to the island’s hotspots. The local tourism office maintains a booth within the vicinity to assist you in your journey in the island. A minimal fee is charged for the transportation to take you to anywhere in the island. Don’t forget to stop by Jordan’s market to grab some mangoes to take along.

The scenic journey around the island takes you around large mango plantations and many secluded coves and beaches. Islets also dot around the island of Guimaras. The beaches are one of the island's attractions enticing beach goers with its fine white sand that would rival that of the more popular beaches of Boracay.

Life is laidback. Time is easily forgotten. All good memories indeed but lest we forget the tragedy that haunted this enchanting island in the past. Let's be responsible tourists and keep the beauty of Guimaras this way.

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